Daocheng Lin


Welcome to my portfolio website! 

While pursuing a research-focused path on visual rhetoric (see my academic website), I am also an illustrator and graphic designer with five years of experience. My artistic style focuses on people's everyday life using ink and retro color palettes.

Various associations have awarded my artwork, including the Illustration and Binding Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association and the China Children’s Book Expo. 

I also do commissions individually or collaboratively for institutions and companies, including Huizhou University, Huizhou Social Sciences Association, Tencent, Exxon Mobiles, etc.

Project One
Project Two
Project Three


Project One

Walking on Beimen Street

Author: Daocheng Lin (Leading creator of illustration and typography), Dr. Ziyao Huang, Dr. Jiawei Xu, Yixuan Xie

Accosiattion: Humanities and Social Science Research Projects in Huizhou (Key Program), Huizhou, Guangdong.

Awarded: Exceptional.

This picture book is based on my research project, A Walking Ethnography of Everyday Strategy on Beimen Street, which was acknowledged by the Huizhou Social Sciences Association as the key program in 2023 and awarded as exceptional level. This project employs the illustration method to explore the details of the everyday lives of local residents. Using the sensory experience as a clue, I wrote field notes and drew the sketches to compose the foundation of the picturebook. 

Collaboration is the key to success. While the group members mainly took charge of the other part of this research project, I was fully responsible for the picture book-making process. Still, collaboration between the team members is necessary for the success of the picturebook project.